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I was born and raised in New York but have made Florida my home for over 20 years! My husband, Richie, and I have been married for over 21 years and have 2 AMAZING children. My son is currently serving in the United States Air Force and my daughter is a college student who is serving in the Air Force Reserves. I am truly blessed to be their mother.


I'm a professional educator and hold a PhD in Instructional Design which means I can design curriculum, training, courses, and environments that will assist others in learning. I use these skills and God's anointing to present the Word of God as passionately as I feel His presence in my life. I'm also a graduate of Liberty University and graduated from the Master of Theological Studies program. 


As a Teaching Pastor, I love telling others of what God has done in my life and how he freed me from a life shame, guilt, and condemnation.


So let's get connected, get to know me, read this Christian blog, watch the sermons, listen to the podcast, and ask questions!  Let's embark on this journey of growth through Jesus Christ together!


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